miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
Osho Commune says there is no Rajneesh Samadhi
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012
Information on false copyright claims of OSHO's works
Information on false copyright claims of OSHO's works by OIF......LIKE and SHARE this page with our friends...spread the FIRE !!!
OSHO FREE copyright information
since OIF (osho international foundation) has been illegally harrassing osho sannyasins by giving false and fraudulent information about copyrights and trademarks - misleading google, you tube and facebook into removing sannyasins websites and facebook pages - this community page is dedicated to mak...
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012
An Open Letter To All Osho Lovers from Neelam
The next morning I came to know from Anando that Osho has already selected the marble piece, dictated the wording to be inscribed on it in gold letters. After few weeks, on Jan 19, 1990 Osho left his body.
sábado, 14 de julio de 2012
lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
Save OSHO Samadhi Pune!
jueves, 28 de junio de 2012
OSHO Now or Never
martes, 26 de junio de 2012
Osho Friends, Pune
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

La auténtica gratitud nunca puede encontrar palabras para expresarse a sí misma. La gratitud que encuentra palabras para expresarse es solo una formalidad –porque todo aquello que es sentido con el corazón, inmediatamente va más allá de las palabras, de los conceptos, del lenguaje. Puedes vivirlo, puede brillar en tus ojos, puede emanar como una fragancia por todo tu ser. Puede ser la música de tu silencio, pero no puedes expresarlo. En el momento en que lo pronuncies, algo esencial muere inmediatamente. Las palabras solamente pueden transportar cadáveres, no experiencias vivas.
La gratitud no tiene un objetivo externo ni tampoco interno. La gratitud es casi como la fragancia que desprende una flor. Es una experiencia que no está dirigida a nadie. Cuando llegas hasta el mismo origen de tu ser donde te sientes completamente como en primavera y las flores llueven sobre ti, de pronto sientes una gratitud que no está dirigida a nadie, exactamente como una fragancia que sale de ti, justo como el incienso desprendiendo nubes de humo y fragancia hacia un cielo desconocido y desapareciendo después.
Para mí, la gratitud es la mayor experiencia que puedes tener –no hacia Dios, no hacia nadie en particular... simplemente gratitud hacia toda esta existencia. Estos pájaros, estos bellos árboles, toda esta existencia es tan hermosa que no sentir gratitud hacia ella es permanecer ciego, ignorante, inconsciente. Este universo es tu hogar. Procedes de este universo y regresas de vuelta a él. La plegaria carece de sentido. Únicamente la gratitud…, ni siquiera tienes que emplear la palabra, simplemente el sentimiento de gratitud.
Este sábado 9hs: Meditación Dinámica
15hs: Meditación No-Mente
Comienzo de los 7 días de No-Mente -
sábado, 28 de abril de 2012
During the course of this upcoming court case we will need, along with your vote, your practical, active support. Kindly fill out the following form so we can contact you:..
lunes, 16 de abril de 2012
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
Osho, no copyright on freedom

Osho International claims copyright on talks and images of Osho. I disagree. Osho is totally wild and absolutely free. That's why I made this clip. Osho Inte...
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012
OSHO- Me gustaría que mis sannyasins recordaran: todo lo que yo os digo, recordad siempre que no es para destruir vuestra libertad,...

De vez en cuando, algún sannyasin viene y me dice: “No he seguido tu consejo y me siento muy culpable”. Eso está mal, eso está muy mal. Te estás haciendo algo a ti mismo innecesariamente.
No tienes por qué sentirte culpable; es peor sentirte culpable que lo que hayas hecho. La culpabilidad es lo peor que puedes hacerte a ti mismo. No es necesario. Si tú decides hacerlo de otra manera, eres completamente libre de hacerlo de esa manera.
Y no te preocupes, no estarás alejándote de mí por no seguir mi consejo. Todo lo contrario, como te alejarás de mí es sintiéndote culpable. Mi amor es incondicional; que me sigas o no, no importa. No tiene importancia para mi amor. De hecho, cuanto más libre de mí seas, más cerca estarás de mí.
Recuérdalo siempre: mi único interés es hacerte libre, tan libre como un ser humano pueda llegar a ser. Mi único interés es liberarte. Así que cuanto más libre seas, más cerca estarás de mí. Si mi consejo te parece bueno –no porque te lo haya dado yo sino porque a ti te parezca bueno, entonces síguelo. Entonces no me estarás siguiendo a mí. Eso es lo que Buda les dijo a sus discípulos: “No me sigáis. No sigáis algo porque lo haya dicho Buda, o porque lo digan las escrituras, o porque todos los sabios estén de acuerdo en ello, no. Hasta que tu inteligencia no diga “Sí, eso es correcto”, no lo sigáis”.
Y a mí me gustaría decirte lo mismo.
“Pensé: “Si tan sólo pudiera reformar a ese
hombre y hacer que fuera como yo en
vez de la degenerada criatura que es”.”
Pues bien, ese no es en absoluto un punto de vista espiritual. El hombre espiritual nunca quiere que te vuelvas como él, jamás. ¿Cómo va a querer que te vuelvas como él? Entonces tú serías falso, entonces tú serías una réplica, una copia. La persona espiritual quiere tú seas tú mismo: un original, no una copia. Su única intención es ayudarte a ser tú mismo, su única intención es ayudarte a que cumplas con tu destino. Si eres una rosa, tienes que convertirte en una rosa; si eres una flor de loto, tienes que convertirte en una flor de loto; y si eres una margarita, tienes que convertirte en una margarita. Lo que le importa al maestro espiritual es que florezcas, no que seas una rosa, o una flor de loto o una margarita; eso no le importa. Lo importante es que te desarrolles, que florezcas. Fíjate en la diferencia.
El moralista siempre quiere que tú seas una réplica. Si él es una rosa, quiere que todos se conviertan en una rosa. ¿Qué haría entonces con las margaritas? Pintaría las margaritas como rosas, cortaría las margaritas como las rosas, destruiría una belleza natural. Una margarita es tan hermosa como cualquier rosa. O, si eres una flor de loto y él quiere una rosa exactamente como él, te arrancaría. Te destruiría. O, si él es una flor de loto y tú una rosa, intentaría extenderte, abrirte. Te obligaría. Y cualquiera que fuera el resultado estaría mal. Te convertirías en algo falso.
El verdadero maestro ayuda a las personas a florecer; a florecer a su manera, a florecer en lo que tengan que ser, en lo que sea que lleven dentro. Sus corazones deberían abrirse, sus pétalos deberían abrirse; no deberían morir como semillas o como brotes, deberían florecer.
Pensé: “Si tan siquiera pudiera reformar a ese hombre y hacer que fuera como yo en vez de la degenerada criatura que es”.
De hecho, los que intentan hacerte como ellos mismos son muy egoístas. Quieren copias de ellos. Cuantas más copias tienen, más felices se sienten. Así ellos se convierten en el criterio, el ideal.
Y, por supuesto, nadie puede satisfacer ese ideal, así que ellos siempre están encima, recuerda. Nadie puede satisfacer eso. Aunque quisiera ser como tú, no podría hacerlo. Es imposible. Ser como otro es algo que está fuera de la naturaleza de las cosas. Pero si intento ser como tú, yo siempre estaré por debajo y tú siempre estarás por encima, así que ayudar a la gente a ser como tú es la mejor estrategia.
Eso es lo que los padres les hacen a los niños. Intentan hacer que los niños sean como ellos. Entonces los padres pueden sentir que son más elevados, seres superiores, y estos niños degenerados, esta generación, se ha pervertido.
Algo ha ido mal. Todos los padres sienten que algo ha ido mal con sus hijos; y los culpables son ellos, los criminales son ellos, porque han obligado al niño a ser como el padre. Y eso es imposible. Va en contra de la naturaleza intrínseca de las cosas. Así que el niño no puede hacerlo con todo su corazón. Aunque lo intente nunca lo conseguirá, nunca será como su padre. Así que el padre siempre se puede sentir bien; es alguien tan superior que nadie puede ser como él.
Y eso es lo que vuestros llamados gurúes siguen haciendo. Ten cuidado con esos gurúes. El verdadero maestro es aquel que está interesado en ti como eres y como deberías o podrías ser. El maestro te ayuda. Su trabajo es el de apoyar. No te reforma, recuerda. Él ni te reforma ni te informa, simplemente te apoya. La información es conocimiento, la reforma es un intento de manipular tu carácter. Él nunca informa, nunca reforma, simplemente apoya. Y su apoyo es incondicional. Él dice: “Se tú mismo. Aquí tienes todo mi apoyo, todo mi apoyo incondicional”.
Es como el jardinero que riega el rosal, la margarita, el loto; él va regando todas las plantas. Cuando el loto florece, él es feliz; cuando el rosal florece, él es feliz; cuando la margarita florece, él es feliz. Pero no intenta imponerle ningún patrón a ninguna de ellas.
En ese momento vi un bote en el río que empezaba a hundirse. Sin pensarlo, ese hombre se tiró al agua donde siete hombres intentaban mantenerse a flote, y sacó a seis a salvo a la orilla.
Hassan está sentado en la orilla y siete personas están muriendo, pero su compasión no ha surgido. Y él cree que es una persona de humildad, de religiosidad, de moralidad. Y quería reformar a ese hombre. Ese hombre tenía compasión.
La compasión es el criterio. Cuando actúas con compasión muestras quién eres. Hassan ni siquiera se lo ha pensado. Esas personas están muriendo. Esa idea no se le ha ocurrido. Y ese hombre ha salvado a seis personas.
Entonces, el hombre se acercó a mí y me dijo:
“Hassan, si tú eres mejor hombre que yo, por Dios, salva al último hombre que queda”.
El otro hombre no es un hombre corriente. Es una idea sufí especial. Los sufíes dicen que hay un mensajero de Dios, Khidr, el cual va trabajando en las personas. Se trata de un maestro de maestros. Sigue viniendo a la Tierra –como viene Jesús, como viene Krishna, un avatar-, pero de una forma diferente. Él aparece cuando se lo necesita, cuando ve que algo es potencial y tiene que ser ayudado. Aparece en cualquier época.
Esta es una idea muy hermosa. Su significado tiene que ser entendido. Es un símbolo. Simplemente significa que cuando un hombre está realmente preparado para crecer, cuando anhela crecer, Dios viene a ayudarle; eso es todo. Ese hombre es Khidr.
Se acerca a Hassan y le dice: “Hassan, si tú eres mejor hombre que yo” –le ha leído el pensamiento-, “por Dios, salva al último hombre que queda”. ¿Qué haces ahí parado? Hay personas muriéndose y tú no sientes ninguna compasión por ellas. Todavía queda uno. Ve y sálvalo. Por Dios, inténtalo”.
Hay otra idea sufí: que cuando un hombre ha tenido algún atisbo de Dios, haga lo que haga, siempre lo consigue. Tiene que ser así. Dios tiene que triunfar. Si tú eres un hombre de Dios, tienes que triunfar. No es tu triunfo, es el triunfo de Dios a través de ti. Si tú eres instrumental, ocurrirá.
Dice Hassan: “Descubrí que no podía salvar ni a un hombre”.
Se ahogó. Esto era sólo para mostrarle a Hassan: “Tú todavía no eres un instrumento de Dios. ¿Qué clase de modestia es esa? Un hombre modesto es un bambú hueco. Dios fluye a través de él. ¿Qué clase de humildad es esa? Estás demasiado lleno de tu propio ego. No has podido salvar a un hombre moribundo, no has podido ser usado como instrumento de Dios”.
“Luego, aquel hombre me dijo: “Esta mujer es mi madre.
Esta botella de vino sólo contiene agua”.”
“Así es como juzgas y así es como eres tú”. Él dice: “No juzgues por las apariencias. Las apariencias no son la realidad. No te dejes engañar por las apariencias”.
Lo que significa es que cuando ves a alguien, lo que tú ves es sólo la capa externa, el comportamiento. Tú nunca ves al hombre interior. Por favor, no juzgues. El hombre interior puede ser completamente diferente. Nunca juzgues a un hombre por su comportamiento, y no hay más cosas por las que juzgar. Tú sólo ves el comportamiento.
Hassan ha visto a este hombre sentado con una mujer. En los países musulmanes las mujeres llevan la cara tapada, así que es muy difícil ver si la mujer es mayor, joven, hermosa, fea. Es difícil incluso saber si es una mujer o no. Y Khidr retira el velo de la cara de la mujer y dice: “Mira, es mi madre. Pero al verme sentado en la orilla del río junto con una mujer, te ha venido a la mente la idea de que yo soy un mujeriego. Y mira, esta botella sólo contiene agua. La botella te dio la idea de que debía contener vino: “¿Qué está este hombre haciendo aquí? ¿Quién es la mujer con la que está? ¿Qué clase de pervertido será?”. Un borracho, un mujeriego… Todo tipo de ideas se agolparon en tu mente. Con sólo ver algo desde el exterior; ¿es esta tu forma de juzgar?”.
Y así es como tú eres. Nunca juzgues, porque lo único que tú puedes ver es la apariencia. Tú sólo ves la superficie, el hombre interior se mantiene oculto. Hasta que no seas capaz de ver al hombre interior, no juzgues. Y recuerda, los que son capaces de ver al hombre interior nunca juzgan; porque el hombre interior siempre es puro. El hombre interior es la pureza en sí, es la inocencia. El hombre interior nunca ha sido impuro. Así que si no puedes ver lo interior, no juzgues; y si puedes ver lo interior, entonces no hay manera de juzgar. No juzguéis.
Me arrojé a sus pies y lloré. “Igual que has salvado a esos seis hombres, ¡sálvame de ahogarme en el orgullo disfrazado de mérito!”.
El extraño dijo: “Ruego a Dos que pueda satisfacer tu propósito””.
Así es realmente un verdadero maestro. Ni siquiera finge que te ayudará. Él dice: “Está bien, ruego a Dios para que pueda satisfacer tu propósito”. Un verdadero maestro funciona sólo como un instrumento. Un maestro verdadero se borra a sí mismo por completo. Es sólo Dios el que funciona a través de él.
Hassan se postró a los pies de aquel extraño hombre. Hassan es un buscador, por eso Khidr se apareció para ayudarle. Hassan es un buscador sincero, pero está en un camino equivocado; es un buscador sincero, pero se ha nublado con ideas erróneas; de ahí la aparición de Khidr. Cuando eres sincero, incluso si estás equivocado, encontrarás un maestro. Pero si no eres sincero, aunque estés en lo cierto, no encontrarás un maestro, porque un maestro sólo puede contactar con un hombre sincero.
Este hombre es un buscador, Hassan es un gran buscador. Él fue de un maestro a otro, anduvo errando de un lugar a otro por todos los países sufíes intentando descubrir… Y estaba preparado. Cuando alguien decía algo, estaba dispuesto a entender. Inmediatamente se dio cuenta de que “Este hombre ha salvado a seis personas y yo ni siquiera he podido salvar a una. Dios se ha pronunciado acerca de mí, me ha mostrado que todavía no soy instrumental”. Entonces no se resistió. Se postró a los pies de Khidr y le dijo: “Sálvame. Tú has salvado a seis y yo estoy ahogándome en mi orgullo. Sálvame a mí también, porque si no me ahogaré”. Khidr contestó: “Ruego a Dios que pueda satisfacer tu propósito”.
Y eso es lo que yo también te digo. Ruego para que Dios pueda satisfacer tu propósito.
Osho- Sufíes La Gente del Camino
Págs. 250,256
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012
OSHO Afroz Meditation Center- Eresós, Lesvos, Greece.

OSHO Afroz Meditation Center
Eresós, Lesvos, Greece.
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

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lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012
martes, 7 de febrero de 2012
By Abhay Vaidya

By Abhay Vaidya
Pune: Even 22 years after his death, spiritual mystic Osho, or Bhagwan Rajneesh, continues to spark controversy. This time, the issue is not sex, which always shadowed his name, but something even sexier: the fate of prime real estate belonging to the Osho International Foundation (OIF) at Koregaon Park, Pune, estimated at a value of around Rs 1,000 crore.
In recent weeks, what has grabbed the attention of the public – especially the community of his followers – is the incredulous gifting of prime properties by the OIF to an unknown trust in New Delhi, called the Darshan Trust.
The Osho Commune, renamed Osho International Meditation Resort after his death, is located at Koregaon Park along with other Osho properties spread on 25-30 acres of land and controlled by the OIF.
At a time when politicians, builders, generals and brigadiers are found involved in one land-grab scam after another, here is this extraordinarily generous OIF which seems to be on a property-gifting spree, claiming that maintaining and managing these properties has become a burden.
Opposing them are another set of Osho followers who have accused the OIF trustees of maladministration and complained to the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai.
The matter was exposed in recent months by two, long-time followers of Osho, Yogesh Thakkar (Swami Prem Geet) and Kishor Raval (Swami Prem Anadi), who discovered OIF’s application dated 19 September 2011, to the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai, under section 36(1)(a) of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950.
The battle between factions of his followers is not new. Oshoworld.com
This application, signed by OIF trustee Mukesh Sarda, proposed to gift six units in Little Woods Coop Housing Society, plot number 22, Koregaon Park, to New Delhi-based Darshan Trust with its registered office at A-34, Defence Colony.
Sarda’s application on behalf of OIF said that the Darshan Trust had approached OIF “with a request for some space to accommodate the teachers and participants of its activities in Pune” and that the matter was discussed in detail at a meeting of the trustees on 14 August 2011.
As per documents submitted by the OIF to the Charity Commissioner, Sarda stated at this meeting that the the 6,611-square-foot property was “excess space”, not needed by the OIF. He also said that the OIF was finding it unaffordable to maintain and repair this property as it was not deriving any income from it.
The OIF trustees then decided unanimously at the 14 August meeting to donate the property to Darshan Trust subject to the approval and sanction of the Charity Commissioner. The condition stipulated was that the stamp duty, registration and other expenses towards “the alienation of the property” be borne by Darshan Trust.
Armed with documents obtained under the Right to Information Act, 2005, Thakkar and Raval questioned the gift proposal and filed a petition with the Charity Commissioner, challenging the OIF application. They were soon joined by another senior Osho follower, Nitin Phulphagar (Swami Nitin Bharati), in challenging various activities of the OIF, even as Osho followers within and outside the country began extending support.
While in the midst of this battle, Thakkar and Raval were shocked when they stumbled upon a 17 March 2011 decision of Charity Commissioner MK Chaure approving another OIF proposal to gift plot CTS No 3, Koregaon Park, Pune to the same Darshan Trust.
Measuring 5,387 sq m, this plot is located in Lane No 1 Koregaon Park, and was being used as a parking lot for the Osho Meditation Resort. According to the Osho disciples, the market value of this plot is estimated at more than Rs35 crore.
The reasons given by the OIF for gifting this property (excess space not required) and the conditions laid down for the transaction (Darshan Trust to bear cost of stamp duty, etc.) were similar to the previous application.
The OIF has never felt it necessary to explain these controversial gift deeds or reply to criticism. Whenever asked for an explanation by this journalist, OIF’s trustee and member (management team) Sadhana Belapurkar has restricted herself to saying that “the matter is subjudice.”
Another issue that worries Osho’s followers and admirers concerns his samadhi inside the meditation resort. After he was cremated in Pune on the night of 19 January 1990, Osho’s ashes were collected and put in an urn which was buried in his bedroom. This became his Samadhi, beautified with wall-sized glass windows, marble walls and flooring and an impressive circular chandelier.
The samadhi has a special significance in eastern cultures and naturally Osho’s followers and others want the sanctity of this place respected for all times.
However, the OIF, controlled by a group of his foreign followers, has a different view. Represented by Sadhana Belapurkar (also known as Amrit Sadhana), the OIF management went so far as to say in an interview to this journalist that it was “a mistake” on their part to use the word “samadhi”. As she explained, “We do not call it a samadhi. It is called Chuang Tzu (hall) where Osho gave his first lectures after arriving in Pune in 1974. As per Osho’s wishes, his ashes were put in an urn and buried there.”
Like all samadhis in India, Osho’s admirers who respect him for his many incisive commentaries on spiritualism, his emphasis on meditation and acceptance of sexuality, want the samadhi to be made accessible to the public. That has not happened so far.
These and many other issues were raised by Thakkar and Raval with the Charity Commissioner.
On 7 December 2011, Thakkar, Raval and Phulphagar applied for interim relief to the charity commissioner through an application alleging irregularities by the OIF management. The application alleged that some OIF trustees had formed a new company “Osho Multimedia & Resorts Pvt Ltd” in which they had vested interests. Those named as opponents in the application included Mukesh Kantilal Sarda (Swami Mukesh Bharti), Devendra Singh Devol, Sadhana Belapurkar, Lal Pratap Singh; Inner Circle Chairman Michael Byrne (Swami Jayesh); Inner Circle Vice-Chairman George Meredith alias John Andrews (Swami Amrito); and Inner Circle member Darcy Byrne (Swami Yogendra). (The Inner Circle is an informal group of Osho community individuals who run the show at OIF).
On another front, Thakkar and Raval have created a website www.oshowork.org to gather support for their crusade for transparency in the affairs of the OIF.
This is by far, the biggest battle between the opposing factions of Osho’s followers in recent years. The last big clash was the “copyright battle” which was lost by the OIF some years ago in its attempt to claim intellectual property rights over the word “Osho” and everything attributed to the spiritual master.
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012
Osho Trust gifts ‘excess land’ to unknown entity

This is even as Sarda, on behalf of the OIF, has made another application to the charity commissioner in Mumbai to gift the 6,611-square-foot ‘Osho Sanai’ property on Plot No. 22 in Koregaon Park, to the same trust.
Two Osho followers — Yogesh Thakkar (Swami Prem Geet) and Kishor Raval (Swami Prem Anadi) — who contested this application along with another disciple, Nitin Phulphagar (Swami Nitin Bharati) in challenging various activities of the OIF, made the startling discovery of the first gift application recently.
Certified documents from the charity commissionerate, in the possession of DNA show that in December 2010, the OIF applied to the charity commissioner seeking permission under section 36(1)(a) of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, to gift plot CTS No.3 in Koregaon Park to Darshan Trust, located at A-34, Defence Colony, New Delhi.
This plot, measuring 5,387 square metres in Lane No1 in Koregaon Park, presently serves as an expansive parking lot for the Osho International Meditation Resort, which has a number of properties in this area. The market value of this plot of land is estimated at more than Rs35 crore.
The proposal to gift the land was sanctioned and approved by the charity commissioner, MK Chaure, on March 17, 2011. According to the OIF application, the trustees of Darshan Trust approached OIF “for some space to expand and carry out its activities in Pune” and this matter was discussed in detail by the OIF trustees during a meeting on December 1, 2010.
During this meeting, Sarda stated that the OIF had excess space on CTS No 3 in Koregaon Park plot “which at the moment is not required” by the foundation. Besides, the OIF was incurring expenses on the maintenance of this plot without deriving any income from it.
The application stated that “after detailed discussion and deliberation it was unanimously resolved that it would be in the interest of the OIF and in furtherance of its objects to donate the Plot CTS No 3 in Koregaon Park, Pune, that is available and not required by the foundation to Darshan Trust, subject to the approval and sanction of the office of the charity commissioner.”
The condition laid down was that the stamp duty, registration charges and other expenses towards the alienation of the property would be borne by Darshan Trust and that the entire process of gifting the property would be handled by Mukesh Sarda.
While the trustees of Darshan Trust were identified as Vidya Khubchandani and Anandkumar Awasthi, those of OIF were identified as Mukesh Sarda, Devendra Singh Deval, Sadhana Belapurkar and Lal Pratap Singh.
In his application, Sarda stated that the OIF was not issuing any public notice about its proposal to gift the property as “the trustees have unanimously resolved to donate the said property to another public trust having similar objects…”
He also stated that no valuation report of the property was obtained as the property was being donated to carry out charitable activities. After conducting a hearing in Sarda’s presence, the proposal was sanctioned and approved by the charity commissioner by his order dated March 17, 2011.
The OIF controls the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, spread out over 35 acres of prime property in Koregaon Park. Osho’s samadhi with his ashes is located on these premises.
Originally established on a 5-acre plot after the then Acharya Rajneesh moved base from Mumbai to Pune in the mid 1970s, the erstwhile Osho Commune gradually expanded to its current size.
Pune: Once again, disturbing facts have come to light with regard to the Osho International Foundation (OIF), which controls valuable assets, including an estimated Rs 1,000 crore worth of prime property, and which conducts its affairs in high secrecy.
The government and the citizens need to decide whether there is need to demand greater transparency from OIF, whether Osho's samadhi in Koregaon Park needs to be opened to the public, and whether the properties of this trust should be nationalised to safeguard the interests of Osho's followers.
Ever since the spiritual mystic, Osho Rajneesh, died in Pune on January 19, 1990, one controversy after another has been dogging the OIF. First, Osho's followers split into two factions, with one group (led by three foreigners) taking full control of the OIF properties. The other group, comprising mainly Indians, left the commune on their own or were forced to do so.
The two factions clashed bitterly over OIF's attempt to copyright Osho meditations and intellectual property, but this was rejected by a US court.
While the OIF has certainly beautified the premises and transformed it into an international meditation resort, not all are happy with the changes. Access to the premises is highly restricted, daily entry fee has been increased sharply and many traditions discontinued.
OIF's latest bid to gift a valuable property of nearly Rs 8 crore to an obscure Darshan Trust in New Delhi has not only been challenged by Osho's followers, but has also revealed links between OIF and this trust.
Clearly, someone needs to move the government or the courts to protect what belongs to the community of Osho's followers before it is too late.
Pune: In a move that has triggered a raging controversy among the followers of Osho Rajneesh, the Osho International Foundation (OIF) has applied to the charity commissioner, Mumbai, seeking permission to "gift" prime property, valued at Rs 8 crore, to an unknown trust in Delhi.
This has agitated a large section of Osho's followers, who have accused the OIF of surreptitiously trying to dispose of valuable real estate meant for the propagation of Osho's philosophy.
While two of Osho followers — Yogesh Thakkar (Swami Prem Geet) and Kishor Raval (Swami Prem Anadi) — have challenged the OIF application to the charity commissionerate, another disciple, Nitin Phulphagar (Swami Nitin Bharati), has joined them in challenging various activities of the OIF.
All three have questioned this gift deed application, at a time when the OIF spokesperson, Amrit Sadhana, admitted to mortgaging property no. 9 against a bank loan to raise funds for renovation and upgradation.
The application signed by OIF trustee Mukesh Sarda (September 19, 2011) has been made under section 36(1)(a) of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. It proposes to gift "six units" in Little Woods Co-op Housing Society, plot number 22, Koregaon Park, to New Delhi-based Darshan Trust with its registered office at A-34, Defence Colony.
The property is named 'Osho Sanai' with single-storey bungalows in Lane 1. The OIF application states that the trustees of Darshan Trust had approached OIF "with a request for some space to accommodate the teachers and participants of its activities in Pune". Since the objectives of the Darshan Trust and the OIF are similar, the matter was discussed in detail at a meeting of the trustees on August 14, 2011, the application states.
At that meeting, OIF trustee, Mukesh Sarda, informed that the 6,611-square-foot property at Koregaon Park Plot No. 22 was "excess space", which was not required by the OIF to fulfill its objectives. Also, that the OIF was incurring expenses to maintain and repair this property without deriving any income from it.
It was decided unanimously at this meeting that the property would be donated to Darshan Trust subject to the approval and sanction of the charity commissioner and provided the stamp duty, registration and other expenses towards the alienation of the property was borne by Darshan Trust.
The aims and objectives of Darshan Trust were stated as education, teaching of yoga, meditation and philosophy and medical relief, among other activities of public utility.
According to the application, in 1997, this property comprising six units in Little Woods Co-op Housing Society Ltd, was received as gift by six different foundations. The 10-page application states that a number of trusts were amalgamated in the OIF at various points of time, "for better administration and management and carrying out the common activities of the trusts…"
Thus, in 1996, Blue Lotus Trust was amalgamated into OIF, and in 2003, five trusts — Satyam Foundation, Shivam Foundation, Maneesha Trust, Sambhodhi Foundation and Sundaram Foundation — were amalgamated with OIF. In 2008, Abhilasha Foundation was merged into OIF, and in 2011 the Dhyan Foundation followed suit. The trustees of OIF were stated as Mukesh Sarda, Devendra Singh Dewal, Sadhana Belapurkar and Lal Pratap Singh.
The OIF controls the Osho International Meditation Resort, formerly the Osho Commune, and related activities spread over nearly 35 acres of land in Koregaon Park.(Top) The 'Osho Sanai' property at Lane No.1 Koregaon Park which the Osho International Foundation wants to gift to the New Delhi-based Darshan Trust located at A-34, Defence Colony; Kishor Raval, alias Swami Prem Anadi (left) and Yogesh Thakkar (alias Swami Prem Geet) who have challenged Osho International Foundation's application to the charity commissioner —Rajesh Rao.
Many followers from across the country and abroad have expressed eagerness to protect the property from land sharks with strong political connections in Pune and Mumbai, in response to a petition filed by two Osho followers with the charity commissioner in Mumbai.
"We have been receiving calls and messages from Gujarat, Delhi, Mumbai and even abroad, pledging support in our fight to protect the Osho trust properties in Pune," said Yogesh Thakkar (alias Swami Prem Geet), one of the petitioners against the application by the Osho International Foundation (OIF).
Thakkar, who was present — along with his co-petitioner, Kishore Raval (alias Swami Prem Anadi) — while speaking to DNA, said they felt overwhelmed by the support from Osho's followers to their initiative to demand transparency in the OIF activities in Pune.
As reported by DNA on Sunday, the two petitioners filed on Wednesday last raised serious objections to OIF's application No. 87/11 [P.T.R. No. F 14570 (M)] filed under section 36 of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950.
Section 36 of the BPT Act states that "pre-sanction of charity commissioner for sale or mortgage of immovable property of public trust is must, irrespective of whatever is mentioned in the by-laws of the trust".
Their petition states that three prominent trustees of the OIF, all foreigners, were attempting "to sell the trust premises in Pune to politically influenced persons from Pune and Mumbai".
These three individuals were identified in the petition as Michael O'Byrne (alias Swami Jayesh), George Meredith (alias Swami Amrito) and Darcy O'Byrne (Swami Yogendra), leaders of the Osho faction which took full control of the Osho trusts after the mystic's controversial death in his Pune commune on January 19, 1990.
Raising serious objections over the functioning of the Osho trusts Thakkar — who was initiated into sanyas personally by Osho Rajneesh in 1979 — told DNA that the entire decision making lies in the hands of just 3-4 individuals. "Just three foreigners are taking all the decisions and everyone else has been systematically deleted (sic)," he said.
While demanding that the decision-making in the Osho trusts be expanded and democratised, Thakkar and Raval alleged that the common man's access to the Osho Commune, renamed Osho International Meditation Resort, had been made difficult.
"There's an entry fee of Rs 1,000 per day for foreigners and Rs 480 for Indians. There's additional cost for food and other facilities," he said, while demanding that the Osho premises be available to the people at "a reasonable cost such as Rs 100 per day."
When asked by DNA, OIF spokesperson Amrit Sadhana acknowledged that spending a day at the Osho resort would cost about Rs 1,000 per person, which was comparable to lunch in a star hotel or a visit to a multiplex. "These charges include access to more than six meditations in the auditorium which is air-conditioned, besides other facilities," she said.
Thakkar also demanded that Osho's Samadhi, where his ashes have been buried in what was his bedroom at the time of his death, be called as such by the Osho trust authorities. He alleged that the word "samadhi" was being deliberately erased by the authorities to make it easy to sell the property in future or use it for other purposes.
The OIF spokesperson Sadhana vehemently denied this charge. "We do not say that he is dead and therefore we don't use the word samadhi," she said.
Spread over nearly 35 acres, the Osho International Meditation Resort in upmarket Koregaon Park bears special significance for Osho's followers as this was where he did his life's work and where his samadhi with his ashes is located.
sábado, 7 de enero de 2012
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martes, 3 de enero de 2012
Osho Copyright case Update

in Osho Sannyas News
There was a big win for religiousness over religion in the US today. Obama is being sworn in and OSHO is free for all to use: it’s a happy New Year indeed.
The US trademark board released it’s decision in the OSHO case today, after 10 years of litigation. The opinion was very strongly worded and unanimous. The board ruled that “OSHO” is used to refer to meditations and the movement that arose around the teachings of the person OSHO. It isn’t a brand of products produced by OSHO International Foundation
in Zurich.
This means that “OSHO” must be available for all OSHO’s people to use to describe what they’re doing. OIF cannot keep others from using OSHO. Every trademark challenged by OSHO Friends was canceled or denied.
This is the best possible decision we could have hoped for. It steps over all the arguments about who owned what trademarks and whether anyone licensed anyone else. In essence, this decision simply says that there is no trademark. Since the name “OSHO” means a certain
approach to meditation and a whole movement, it can’t be a trademark for anyone, ever.
Many thanks to everyone who helped with this, who stood up and were counted. All the witnesses that OSHO Friends called were cited in the footnotes of the decision, but there were particular quotes from the testimony of Dhanyam (Rosansky), Krishna Priya (Hemenway), and Maniko (Dadigan). Telling the truth does have power!
I’m attaching the decision. Please pass this great news on to anyone on your address list who might like to celebrate.
Much love,